Saturday, January 19, 2008

Good Advice from the Courage Coach

Pink Magazine has had a new addition of blogs put on their site for female executives to Pink Experts. I just read a very good post from their courage expert, Sandra Walston, and thought I might share it with my readers in hopes that it might help them find their voices. Ms. Walston states that you can determine the quality of your relationships by analysing your relationships. Do you hold in resentments towards your boss or business partner and then gossip about it behind her back, if so you may want to rethink your style.

"Here's how to converse with courage:

  • Become a detached "observer" of yourself. When you catch yourself hesitating to share something you want to say, start with this phrase: "I want you to know that it takes courage to share …." This sets the stage for a different kind of listening and helps you be authentic.
  • Take notice of instances when you regret not speaking up.
  • Watch for this phrase: "I wanted to say …." Often a woman will swallow her words of wisdom for fear of losing her job/image/esteem/friend (whatever!). But what you meant to say or "should have" said doesn't count if you didn't. "

It takes a conscious choice and effort to speak from your heart and spirit so as not to have any regret. She finishes with this quote from poet Mary Oliver and I feel it's only fitting to leave you with the same one because it just makes sense.

"When it's over, I don't want to wonder
If I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened,
Or full of argument.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world."