Thursday, April 26, 2007

Why This Site ?

  • In the US more women filed for bankruptcy in 2003 than graduated from college
  • Women form the majority of poor people in Canada-1 in 5 Canadian Women lives in poverty (2000)
  • 70% of all Americans are carrying so much debt it is making there homelives unhappy
  • Canadas personal saving rate is only 1.5 % up o.2% from last year

At some point in her career, every woman has shared

challenges with another woman

down the hall

in a corner office

three thousand miles away.

at some point in her career, every woman has needed

to compete with another woman

to fight on behalf of another woman

to place her trust in another woman

to inverview another woman.

at some point in her career, every woman has needed

another woman to trust with her children

to remind her of who she used to be

to be a role model without ever knowing it

to listen.

at some point in her career, every woman should tell her story.

not for her, but for another woman not so different from herself.

change begins with understanding.

understanding begins with conversation.