Friday, December 19, 2008

Beware of Holiday Sales

Everywhere you look latetly during this holiday season stores are offering massive sales but don't fall into the trap of purchasing stuff you don't need and throwing your money away just because it is cheaper. Here are some ways to hold on to your cash during the holiday:
- Don't shop when you are hungry: It turns out that this is not just true for grocery shopping but all kinds of shopping.
- Don't bring children shopping with you: Kids have their own techniques to persuade parents when it comes to purchasing.
- Make a list: Take 10-20 minutes before you go shopping and write down everything you need to buy and stick to the list it will make sure you stay within budget and don't stay too long in the crowded stores.
- Don't fall for sale discounts: It doesn't matter if it's on sale if you don't need it or want it for yourself or someone else. If you don't need it you could save 100% instead of 30%.
- Get Creative !